So as our summer term of Mini Rangers draws to a close I like to reflect on our journey this term. I saw a huge growth in attendees for our summer term and it was lovely to see the the children enjoying the warmer weather and watch the interest they showed at exploring the area as it exploded in plant life. Climbing up the bank has proved a very exciting challenge for a lot of mini rangers this term. So a big thank you to Paul at Etherow Park for coming along with his strimmer to chop the stingers and nettles away.
We had plant scares that turned out not to concern us with the giant hogweed!!!! I hope everyone saw the post I put on mini rangers facebook site I hope that this put your minds to rest. We don't actually have any in our area, but it is good to be aware.
We had some great story telling added to our area in the form of Mark Howard who has been shown to have many talents not just chopping wood with a baby in one hand! Marina has shown her talent and flare in snack making and continues to shine at snack time.
So this week during our penultimate week we are going to make a giant foil river. I will be buying a roll of tin foil and we are going to lay this out on the ground and see what natural objects we can float down it.
What to do:
1. Unroll all of the tinfoil.
2. Fold each side in towards the middle by 5cm
3. Repeat the process but this time leave the sides standing upright you should have created a long foil channel.
4.Put the water butts at one end and turn on(not fully)
5 put natural materials into the water to see how they change colour or texture
6 Combine your materials to create structures that will float.
What is in it for the children
The children will have the opportunity to engage in some large scale water play while at the same time discovering key elements about floating and sinking. The use of natural materials creates lots of opportunities for talk and use of their senses around changes that happen when things get wet.
Marina is going to be providing hummus and bread sticks this week.
As usual children get a lot from being able to wait patiently for their snack with regards to conversation skills and looking after one another. Also this snack encourages the skill of holding the cup in one hand and using the pincer movement to hold the bread stick and dip.
Mark is going to be reading another story.
Listening and attention is a skill that we develop, I think Mark is great as his kids role model effective listening and the voices especially are entertaining.
I will start planning our holiday special which I am happy to take in suggestions, but I have a feeling there will be lots going on.
Looking forward to seeing you Monday